The following graphic is from SplashMedia and appeared on where the infographic was called Complete Guide to Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing – That’s a mouthful. With that out of the way – let’s take a look at the useful details presented in this graphic.
- Keyword Research: showing a chart with “Competition” on one axis and “Search Frequency” on the other, illustrating the classic “long tail” we’ve all discussed so much.
- Site Architecture: This graphic element attempts to show the importance of internal links and site structure with link relationships color coded by value.
- Page Optimization: Using a wikipedia page to illustrate good SEO is pure genius here because it offers the chance to highlight the most important aspects of on-page optimization in tags and HTML attributes.
- Link Building: The graphic here sprinkles a list of linking tactics around an oval representing the site and titles each without showing relative value or level of effort and oddly, includes “Competitor Analysis” as one element of linking.
- SEO Tactics: This gives us a White hat to Black Hat and Low Value to High Value quadrant of techniques to help clarify what works and what doesn’t – as well as quantifying risk. Hopefully, most SEO’s will stay above the center line here.
- Linkbaiting & Social Media: This gets a bit cloudy, but basically shows the different sources of social site traffic & linking and suggests the value of overall social media presence for SEO.
- SEO vs. PPC: This makes a case for SEO being the long-term winner in search engine marketing and compares cost and value of the two types of traffic.