Large scale dynamic sites are notoriously difficult to optimize for search engines without ongoing interaction and training of everyone who touches every aspect of site functionality, content and structure. It’s possible for minor changes in site architecture to strongly affect crawlability for search engines, remote ad servers can slow page load speed, changes in algorithms can surface old issues, and great new ideas break old functionality which was targeting different goals.
When I saw the enterprise seo graphic below, my work to resolve these kinds of issues was laid out and made very easy to communicate to others who wonder what the value is in standards dictated by search engines when it doesn’t directly and immediately affect traffic. I love being able to point to this well laid out infographic and say to multiple teams – do you recall when we did that arcane thing with tags that users can’t see, that don’t change site functionality and made no sense to the original goals? Well here is where that applies and by the way – we saw a 38% improvement in conversion after this change.
See if this infographic makes it easier to explain your process to the product team, the engineering team, the content team and the executive team.

Infographic Courtesy of Rim Kaufman Group ©