MSN to Preview Prototype Advertising Platform This headline is linked directly from the Microsoft web site press release announcing the sixth annual “MSN® Strategic Account Summit” and mentions that “MSN remains committed to working with Yahoo! Search Marketing (formerly Overture) and will continue to collaborate with it to offer high-quality search listings to advertisers.” HMMMM, does that mean they have created a new advertising vehicle that will go nowhere? I doubt it. It just means they intend to be in “Beta” on the new PPC platform for some time, I’m sure.
They are testing this “product” by rolling it out “within the next six months in Singapore and France to gather customer feedback.” Well they promise some ability to target to specific demographics, so that will be something that isn’t done right now by Adwords or Yahoo Search Marketing (Formerly Overture). I imagine this one line will set Yahoo Search Marketing to hurry up and buy somebody who can make that possible, and Google to release something they have been working on already. 😉
Go get ’em Google!