Visibility is Key for your business. Search engine visibility brings more visitors and more revenue.


$299 Yahoo Directory Paid Link Worth Every Penny

I originally wrote the article below in August of 2005, note the copyright date at the bottom. But I was nudged to republish it after seeing a Sphinn post discussing the value of a Yahoo text link. My three-year-old, but [...]

Universal & Blended Search at SES San Jose

Mike ValentineThe Search Engine Strategies session on Universal and Blended Search was the highlight of the day at SES on Monday. A great panel made up of a cross section of industry luminaries made for stimulating and varied discussion of [...]

YahooSoft or MicroHoo! How to Beat Google

MarketWatch discussed the merger talks between Microsoft and Yahoo today. The states headline states flatly ‘YahooSoft’ not enough to take on Google!That analysis is no doubt galling to both companies. Both have failed to gain significant market share of search, [...]