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Budweiser Super Bowl Ads Dominate Game Day

The Super Bowl commercials that always stick in people’s minds each year are inevitably the Budweiser ads. Last year’s “Rock, Paper, Scissors contest for the last bottle of Bud at a party was the big winner in mind-share. This year Anheuser Busch will dominate again with seven spots during the Patriots, Giants contest. Here are a group of ads that have been leaked to the web ahead of Sunday’s game (some are just teasers giving you the first few seconds of the ad):

Here is one about cave men, which have become wildly popular in the past couple of years between Fedex, Geico Insurance and now Budweiser, I’ve now had my fill of hairy guys with big foreheads:


This one is titled “X-Ray Vision” but that’s about all you’ll see in this short teaser:


Now we have a fire-breathing date, because, well, Budweiser is everything you want in a beer, including the ability to breathe fire:


Now we have a friendship budding between a Dalmation and the last lonely Clydesdale, who didn’t get chosen for the team:


And finally, here’s Carlos Mencia teaching immigrants how to pick up “American Chicks” in a bar with unlikely pick-up lines:


But that’s not all Bud has up their sleeve. They will make you work for it, but if you really MUST see another Budweiser ad, they will give you a code to “unlock” a secret ad, viewable on their web site after the game if you vote each ad up or down on your cell phone during the game after “registering” to do so! Wow, that’s serious brand engagement. Here’s and Advertising Age Video Link where you can get more details before the game on this odd Budweiser “Secret Ad” effort from their own video “3 Minute Ad Age”.