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SEO is Dead! Makes for Wonderful Discussion Topic!

Monday I got my LED discussion list and I had to laugh out loud when I read the LED headline, “SEO is Dead” 😀 from Ken Evoy of SiteSell fame. That line seems much like VERY good discussion generating bait and seems to have worked.

It’s difficult to believe that someone who talks so much about search engines on their site could actually believe that line. As a matter of fact, it is clear that Ken Evoy does NOT believe SEO is dead with the following coming from the webmaster page of his own site

“SBI! provides “single click” keyword analysis for each page, tracking over 30 parameters critical for high Search Engine rankings (ex., keyword density, keyword patterns, keyword prominence, TITLE and HEADING tags, META tags, etc., etc.). SBI! gives specific modification recommendations to make SEO quick and easy.”

The Sitesell system constantly recommends extensive content for SEO purposes on dozens other pages and sections. Obviously, if you are making SEO recommendations and claims for your own system and to all your own affiliates, you can’t believe that SEO is dead. Nice discussion bait though.

Fortunately we had a level headed response from Shari Thurow, one of the best in the business and recognized expert on the topic at ClickZ and speaker at top web conferences and the SES (Search Engine Strategies) shows worldwide. Danny Sullivan of SearchEngineWatch is likely to disagree as well.

Speaking of Danny Sullivan, I hope to meet any of you attending his upcoming special Search Engine Watch Forums Live! event in Anaheim, California, at the Disneyland® Hotel on Thursday, October 27th, from 1:30pm – 6pm. (Or any of eleven SES events worldwide from Milan, Italy to Tokyo, Japan to Nanjing, China over the next 10 months)

If you miss that one, maybe you can make it to the WebMasterWorld of Search event in Las Vegas on November 15-17 at the LV Convention Center.

By the way, Detlev Johnson, formerly of Audette Media’s I-Search is launching a new discussion list on that dead industry.

For a something so dead, it sure has a lively industry. Nice discussion bait though. 😉 Maybe we’ll soon have CTPM (Content, Traffic, Presell, Monetize) conferences? 😉 Nice ebook too. I was glad to see you mention “Reality” so often in that ebook you shared with us. It’s where I spend most of my time focusing.