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Dress Codes in SEO

I recently attended a Search Engine Watch Forums Live event at Disneyland hotel and got to see a couple hundred SEO’s or so in attendance. Just as at most conferences and events, most wore business casual, a very rare few a wore suit and tie. Don’t recall seeing anyone in full dress power suits or flip flops and shorts with Hawaiian shirts. The linked headline above leads to a Search Engine Watch forums discussion of dress codes practiced by SEO’s and it ranges the full spectrum.

I’m talking with a corporate client tomorrow and will look forward to seeing the dress code in that office. Most California clients I’ve visited at their corporate offices walk the middle line. I’ll be wearing slacks and sweater under a sport jacket for this first meeting, as always. But my daily commute to the living room and my computer is usually sweat pants and t-shirts. SEO dress code? Hmmm.