Microsoft is backing off of the takeover attempt on YAHOO! So glad to hear it. The cultures clash, the combination would have been absurdly bad for search and Yahoo can now fully embrace and promote the YOS! (Yahoo Open Strategy) concept they’ve been discussing since the San Francisco Web 2.0 conference about six weeks ago.
I’m also glad to see that the silly Carl Icahn tantrum is over, and they he probably lost big money on the dumb proxy fight move. What was he thinking?
I’ve not been a fan of Yahoo due to their odd monetization and content corralling practices in which they insist on hosting content produced by others so they can advertise around it – and not even link back to the content producers in most cases. No wonder they weren’t liked by most SEO’s – they won’t give links. They bought dozens of companies to gain the audience share, but let them die over time.
BUT! I’ve been excited by the prospects discussed at Web 2.0 by Yahoo around opening the network to developers and the ideas of others. It’s a social network play that deserves to succeed in it’s own way – a way that will be mostly determined by how freely those external developers and partners are allowed to create and explore the Yahoo network through YOS!